Morocco Tour – Day 3 – Hiking

Sunday we explored the mountain area in the most traditional way possible – on foot.  After an early breakfast we headed out energetically following our local guide Said.  It was a beautiful hike but the first part was almost straight up hill, which combined with the higher altitude and my continued cough, was very difficult.

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We finished our hike by enjoying a yummy lunch of tajine and bread at one of the homes in the village.  Unfortunately GAdventures somehow misunderstood my dietary restrictions and had me down as a complete vegetarian so for the first few days I basically ate potatoes and bread.  I’ve cleared this up though now so it’s better.


Given that our hike was about 6 hours, after lunch we all returned to the hotel and just collapsed and enjoyed a well deserved lie down in the sun reading our books.

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One Response to Morocco Tour – Day 3 – Hiking

  1. Isabella says:

    Looking good! Do you have a sun burn??

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